With the pandemic and much else, managing your money may be more difficult than usual and become a distraction.

We've pulled together this guide to support that's available, from organisations that can help you find solutions to money worries and difficulties, to emergency financial aid. So if you're a frontline transport worker or you work in construction, you'll find ideas for where to get help with your finances here.

Don't forget: your company may have an employee assistance programme (EAP) that can also offer help.

General advice

Money Helper

T: 0800 138 777 (UK)
T: 0800 138 0555 (Welsh)
T: 0800 011 3797 (pensions)
W: moneyhelper.org.uk

Independent and impartial, Money Helper provides free information on financial topics: from everyday money, pensions and savings, to family and home issues, debt and more. Over-50s can book an online pensions appointment with an advisor, and anyone can use the free Money Navigation tool to get tailored advice but without having to give your personal details.

Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS)

T: 0818 07 2000 (ROI)
W: mabs.ie

MABS gives free, confidential and impartial advice on money and debt.

Stack of pound coins money

Debt advice

Money Advice Trust – National Debtline

T: 0808 808 4000 (UK)
W: nationaldebtline.org

Money Advice Trust – Business Debtline

T: 0800 197 6026 (UK)
W: businessdebtline.org

Citizens Advice

T: 03444 111 444 (Britain)
W: citizensadvice.org.uk

Citizens Information Board

T: 0818 07 4000 (ROI)
W: citizensinformation.ie

Advice NI

T: 0800 915 4604 (Northern Ireland)
W: adviceni.net/money-debt

Sector charities

Construction Industry Helpline

T: 0345 605 1956 (UK) / 1800 939 122 (ROI)
W: constructionindustryhelpline.com
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24/7 safety net for construction workers and their families from The Lighthouse Construction Industry Charity, including emergency financial aid.

Transport Benevolent Fund

T: 0300 333 2000 (UK)
E: help@tbf.org.uk
W: tbf.org.uk

Health and legal advice, financial aid and welfare.

Railway Benefit Fund

T: 0345 241 2885
E: info@railwaybenefitfund.org.uk
W: railwaybenefitfund.org.uk

Legal and debt advice, carers’ support, grants and family fund.


Find out more

More about help with debt