Here’s what people told us about from April 2022 to March 2023. We collect this data by asking you questions when we speak to you on the phone about your concern.

  • 46% of concerns reported could have resulted in personal injuries and 39% could have resulted in a major accident such as a derailment.
  • 71% of reports led to action. One-quarter (25%) of reports led to more than one action.
  • 96% of our reporters said that they would use CIRAS again.
  • 68% of reporters to CIRAS had first tried raising their concern through internal channels.

2022-23 data Top 5 themes: 1. Rules and procedures. 2. Person's environment. 3. Health and wellbeing. 4. Training and competence. 5. Equipment.

2022-23 data Themes on the rise

Themes of safety concerns in 2022/23 reflected a variety of issues staff were experiencing. The most common theme is rules and procedures. For example: these exist but are not being followed; people don’t know about them; or the rules and procedures don’t work. Some other concerns arose from the heatwaves the UK experienced and how this was impacting staff wellbeing and ability to perform safety-critical tasks.

2022-23 data Who was the safety concern for? 81% for the reporter's employer. 19% not for the reporter's employer/for another company.

202223 data Yes responses to safety culture statements

202223 data Reasons for coming to CIRAS

Some reporter feedback responses

2022-23 reporter feedback: 'Thanks for all your help. I'll definitely be in touch again with any future health and safety concerns.'

2022-23 reporter feedback: 'It was excellent, all sorted within a week.'

2022-23 reporter feedback: 'The response is welcome and will make a real difference. I don't think action would have been taken if it wasn't for CIRAS.'

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Reporting data 2022/23 (login needed)