Director of CIRAS Catherine Baker explains in Rail Technology Magazine (June/July 2020) how we have been responding to our customers' needs to help meet the challenges of Covid-19, and our own experiences of this challenging time.
Read the article in Rail Technology Magazine
'From mid-March to mid-April, when the pace of change was highest, our hotline was busier than usual. Most of those calling were committed to doing their bit to keep the transport system going, but also concerned about the infection risk.
'Emotions ran high, so it was important that we were there with the time to really listen. While the number of calls did reduce once the initial transition passed, new concerns then started arriving about the impact of infection control measures on other aspects of health and safety, such as fatigue associated with new rosters.
'For a period of five weeks, every call we received related to Covid-19. While not surprising, it is worth questioning what happened to the 'normal' health and safety concerns during that time.'