Train dispatch procedure confirmed and rebriefed to railway station staff.


Dispatch staff at Leeds railway station are giving the ‘station duties complete’ tip (typically a baton and a whistle) too early. The reporter explains that, to their knowledge, the tip should be 30–40 seconds before departure. But in recent months, dispatch staff have given it 50 seconds before departure. 

Stations managed by different train operating companies can have different procedures and timings.

The reporter isn’t aware of any changes to the timings at Leeds station, though, and they’re concerned that the early start to the dispatch process creates panic among passengers. Someone could trip and fall while running to board if they think the train is about to depart. 

It could also result in a train guard mistakenly closing the doors early and giving the signal to the driver to leave while passengers are still trying to board. This could lead to a platform/train interface incident.

Northern confirmed that its procedure for dispatch hasn’t changed recently, and that the first tip should be 30 seconds before departure. It rebriefed its dispatch team on the procedure.

View the full report.

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