Trespass risk at beauty spot assessed.
A reporter said anti-trespass measures aren’t good enough for the railway track next to Lough Owel Lake, from the diving board area towards Mullingar station. In summer, people trespass on the railway to reach the lake. They park on the N4 road and walk over the track, where an oncoming train could strike them.
The area around the footbridge and car park is secured, but Irish Rail could improve the rest of this area by carrying out a risk assessment and installing CCTV cameras and signage. Public safety campaigns and more bridges may also help.
Irish Rail inspected the area to check there were no obvious places where people were trespassing. Patrols of this section include fence checks, with any defects reported. Irish Rail reviewed the reports from this location. It also reviewed any recent trespass reports from train drivers that emphasised damaged railway boundaries to find out if trespassers were damaging Irish Rail property when they were gaining access.
Noting that the reporter suggested a risk assessment, Irish Rail added that it would review anti-trespass signs and install more if needed. It said it would also plan a public safety campaign to take place in early summer 2024, ahead of the time of year when trespass is most often reported.