Exploring cross-industry health and safety learning, our article in Port Strategy magazine (October 2020) explains how confidential reporting can improve port safety.

The article also looks at what makes confidential reporting different from other types of safety reporting and from whistleblowing.

Port workers

Here's a short extract.

'What is the nature of hazards and risks in port operations? According to Port Skills and Safety (PSS) - Britain's professional port health and safety membership organisation - slips, trips and falls account for the largest percentage of safety incidents that result in people being off work for at least one day... Perhaps unsurprisingly, this is also a frequent workforce safety issue impacting railway operations.

'Other risks shared by the port and railway industries include: driving and operating vehicles and machinery, as well as being around these, with the risk of being trapped, crushed or run over; manual handling and the risk of associated muscular injuries; falling or moving objects such as cargo being transferred from sea to land side; working at height and the associated risk of falling.

'While there are differences between different transport and logistics operations, there is plenty of health and safety learning to be shared. One of the differences between ports and the railway is that the railway has a well-established confidential reporting service: CIRAS.'

Read the Port Strategy article

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