Did you know you can use CIRAS to share your concerns with a company that’s not your employer?


Sometimes it’s obvious who to tell about your safety concerns. You have a line manager, supervisor, or someone in charge of site safety who wants to listen.

If suitable, you could also use the close-call system or other internal reporting channels. Many channels are available, whether you’re reporting an incident that’s already occurred, or you’re concerned something might happen.

Sometimes, it’s less clear. When your concern is about a work site or task your employer doesn’t own or manage, you might not be sure who you can share your concern with.

You could tell the responsible person on site, or someone who works there. They can help you to be heard by the right person.

There could be an emergency number you can call. If you’re on the railway, Network Rail has a 24-hour hotline to report a safety threat to yourself or others. Transport for London has Safeline, open to its employees, agency staff and contractors, as well as the Streetcare reporting tool for issues with London’s roads.

When there’s no imminent risk of harm, CIRAS confidential safety hotline is an option. 

We listen to your safety concerns when you feel you can’t use internal channels, or if you’ve tried to use them without success. We’re also here for you if your concern relates to a client or contractor and you don’t feel comfortable challenging working practices.

CIRAS 2023/24 reporting data

Most reporters who raised CIRAS reports for a company other than their employer were from train operating companies. They accounted for 60% of these reports.

The largest group receiving CIRAS reports from reporters who were not their employees was infrastructure managers (56%). Train operating companies came in second place, receiving 18% of these reports. The supply chain was in third place with 8%.

Half of the reports raised for a company other than the reporter’s employer were on the theme of infrastructure issues.

Raise a concern