Everyone in rail has a part to play in managing the risks and keeping the railway safe. Here's how you can help.

Person standing on the edge of a railway platform

You vs Train is the rail industry’s campaign to prevent trespass. The railway touches every community in Britain. Railway lines and depots are on our doorstep, yet so often the public are unaware of them and the risks. If they’re not secure, it can lead to tragic events.

On 25 June 2017, 11-year-old Harrison Ballantyne was hit by 25,000 volts of electricity at a rail freight depot. He died at the scene. To make sure Harrison’s story is never repeated, You vs Train has produced a video designed to help the rail industry learn the vital lessons. Please watch it (scan the QR code, right), share it with colleagues, and make it the advice in your trespass risk strategy and training.

For rail workers

If you work in rail, visit youvstrain.co.uk/partners-area/ or scan the QR code to watch the video and find out how you can play a part in keeping the railway safe.

Network Rail You vs Train trespass campaign risks and the railway QR code

For everyone

Follow the campaign at youvstrain.co.uk. Learn about the dangers of trespassing on the railway, with real-life stories and videos.

Liz Ballantyne, mother of Harrison

Drew Ballantyne, Harrison's father

Katie Downs, Designing Out Crime manager for British Transport Police

Walter Cartwright, area operations manager, Tyne and Wear

Find out more

5 trespass concerns

Focusing in on trespass concerns

Giving trespass a hard pass