Your CIRAS membership runs from 1 April to 31 March every year. You pay your membership fee each year by 1 April. This covers you for the full year and is non-refundable.    

You can let us know at any time of the year that you don't wish to renew and we'll make sure not to send you a renewal notification. 

Renewing your annual membership

Your membership will expire on 31 March every year unless you renew – even if you join part-way through the year. We keep in touch so you have plenty of notice and clear guidance on what you need to do to renew your membership.

renewal timeline

  • Annual member information check – we ask for your most recent reported turnover for the parts of your business that will be covered by CIRAS. For example, if CIRAS will be available to your entire organisation, we’ll need your whole company turnover. If you are only covering your rail operations, we’ll need your rail turnover. If you don’t intend to renew your CIRAS membership, just let us know.
  • Notification of membership fees – we write to all our members to advise them what levy band they fall into. If you have any queries about your levy band, get in touch at
  • Invoices sent out – the best way to pay is by BACS transfer using the details on your invoice. You can also pay online. You can contact our enquiries line on 0203 142 5369 if you need any help arranging payment.
  • Payment – we require payment by 1 March so that your membership renewal is processed and you have your new certificate by 1 April. You can then continue to have the assurance that your people always have somewhere they can speak up.
  • If you have any questions about the CIRAS levy or your own renewal, contact us at

You can download your certificate, pay an invoice, browse member resources or contact your stakeholder manager by logging in to My CIRAS.