Here's what people told us about in 2019/2020.  Are these issues on your mind?

From mid-2020 we’ve noticed an increase in reports about health and wellbeing issues, for reasons to do with Covid-19.  But don’t forget the other health, safety and wellbeing issues at work. 

The data on this page is from April 2019 to April 2020 and shows that many reporters to CIRAS focused on health and wellbeing issues even before Covid-19, while equipment issues made up the second top reporting theme.  These graphs highlight the sort of concerns included in these themes, and what else people were reporting.

Graph showing number of confidential reports in 2019-20 as 250

Graph showing if a report had been raised internally first 2019-20


Graphic showing top five themes of reports 2019-20


Graph showing topics about equipment raised with CIRAS 2019-20


Graph showing the nature of equipment issues raised 2019-20


Simple graph showing health and wellbeing topics from CIRAS reports April 2019 to April 2020 as shown in Frontline Matters issue 12