Finding a way out of your worries in these uncertain times – and looking out for coworkers – will help you to be safer and healthier.
Worries, just like fatigue, can distract people at work or at home, making accidents and near-misses more likely. People may worry when they have a lot on their mind or when they are facing difficult or stressful times – whether it’s a one-off situation or ongoing and uncertain. Mental health conditions such as anxiety can add to worries, making things seem worse than they are or unmanageable.
Getting help
If you or someone you know is feeling low, a chat with a friend or colleague can help to lift your mood. Someone really listening to how you feel and what’s worrying you, and what you are going through, could make you feel better. Even when you can’t meet a friend face to face, calling them or chatting online – maybe with video – helps you stay connected.
If you would like to speak to a specialist, your employer might offer an employee assistance programme (EAP) for help with practical or emotional issues – whether about family, relationships, debt, work, wellbeing or anything else.
There might also be an Occupational Health (OH) team in your workplace to offer health and wellbeing assistance – your line manager or HR department can give you details.
When you are worried about your mental or physical health, your local GP is there to help you. Or for mental health concerns – including low mood, burnout or stress – you can pick up the phone and speak with an independent service such as Samaritans, the Mind Infoline or SANE line (see 'Useful contacts' below).
It is also possible to refer yourself to the NHS Improved Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) service without seeing your GP (see 'Useful contacts' below).
Speaking to your line manager or another responsible person in your workplace could help solve problems that are making you worry at work or identify ways to make things better. And if you don’t want to do that, you can also contact CIRAS confidentially if you are concerned about health, wellbeing or safety at work – whether it’s for yourself or for others, such as co-workers or the public. You can even speak to CIRAS if your concern is about a company you don't work for.
Whether you are worried about yourself or someone else, reaching out and getting help can allow you to be in the moment, focused and safer.
Helping others: RAILS model
If you would like to support someone, you can use the RAILS model to give yourself the confidence to do it:
Remain calm
Check in with yourself first. If a situation seems challenging, taking a few deep breaths can make a big difference before you decide to approach someone.
Plan the best way to approach the person you are concerned about. Assess the situation as best you can. Be sensitive because it may be difficult for them to talk. Watch for signs that they may be experiencing a crisis situation: alcohol or substance abuse, suicidal thoughts and behaviours, panic attacks, aggressive behaviour, trauma after an incident, psychotic states and medical emergencies.Inquire
Ask the other person how they are feeling. You may have noticed that they are behaving differently from usual, fatigued, anxious, stressed, melancholic or depressed. Empathise and express concern but refrain from giving advice.Listen
Listening works best if you can be non-judgmental. Try to put your judgments aside, treat the person with respect and dignity and keep an open mind. Ask, ‘How long have you been feeling this way?’. Give them space to tell their story.Support
The support you provide can be practical and emotional. By being there for someone in crisis, you can give them hope for recovery and help them to recover faster. Encourage the person to seek appropriate professional support wherever appropriate (see introduction and 'Useful contacts' below).Useful contacts
For support in times of crisis:
T: 116 123
A safe place for people to talk any time they like, in their own way.
T: 07984 967 708 (2020 number - you can leave a message and will receive a call back.)
W: (including Textcare confidential message service)
Out-of-hours mental health and emotional support to anyone affected by mental ill health, including family, carers and friends
Mental health support:
Local support and advice on medication and other treatments.
Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT)
Talking therapies for worry, stress and low mood. You can self-refer online or be referred by your GP.
For construction workers:
The Construction Industry Helpline
T: 0345 605 1956
24/7 safety net for construction workers and their families.
For transport workers:
Transport Benevolent Fund
T: 0300 333 2000
Health and legal advice as well as cash help to members and their dependents.
For rail workers:
Railway Benefit Fund
T: 0345 241 2885 (10:00-03:00, Mon-Fri)
E: (monitored 09:00-16:00, Mon-Fri)
Legal and debt advice, carers' support, grants programme and family fund.
Railway Mission
A Christian charity offering help to everyone.
Find out more
Practical tips from Mental Health Foundation to take care of yourself and your mental health
Financial wellbeing: where to find help for your finances
Wellbeing topics: tips and suggestions – Advice on mental health, debt, domestic abuse, gambling, relationships and alcohol
- Health and Wellbeing