Men's Health Week invites men to take notice: what’s going on in your body and your mind?

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Men’s Health Week is an annual initiative that aims to raise awareness of the biggest health issues facing men. That includes mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer. One man in five dies before the age of 65, but Men's Health Week says we can all change this. 

The NHS can give you a health check if you’re aged 40 to 74 and have not had a stroke or do not have a pre-existing health condition. This could give you peace of mind that everything is ticking along ok under your bonnet. Or it may make you aware of issues you might need to keep an eye on.

If you can’t access a health check on the NHS, you might want to try your own health check: Men’s Health Forum has come up with a DIY guide with simple tests and quizzes you can do to check how you are. You can also use tools such as its Man MOT guide (view in full on this page) to ask yourself further key questions about your health and set yourself challenges to be healthier.

Below, we’ve linked to a range of resources on our website that can help you understand more about different health issues and where to get further help – alongside a list of links to more information on men's health issues.

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Body health

Guide to musculoskeletal health – the health of your skeleton, joints and muscles

Guide to hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS)

Diesel exhaust fumes and their impact on health

Spotlight on silica dust – a guide to staying safe around this common construction and railway hazard

Looking after your brain – top tips to keep your brain healthy into old age

Stand up for better health – changing how much we sit can benefit our health

Think skin this summer – sun safety, skin cancer and heat exhaustion

How to get a good night’s sleep – and why it matters

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Mental health

Better mental health: tips to help you take care of yourself

Moving more for mental health

Mental wellbeing: where to get help and how to offer it to others who may be struggling

'You're not alone, you're never alone': former rail worker Andy speaks about his experiences of depression, anxiety and burnout

Video: rail worker Andy on speaking up about mental health

Finding community to beat your stress

Coping with loneliness



PTSD: getting help after trauma

Violence at work: it's never normal

Financial wellbeing and help with debt

Domestic abuse: information and help

Problem gambling

Finding support for bereavement


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Find out more

Men's Health Week

Prostate Cancer UK

Cancer Research UK: prostate cancer

NHS: prostate problems

Versus Arthritis

British Heart Foundation

Diabetes UK

Bowel Cancer UK

NHS: testicular cancer


Alcoholics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous

NHS: drug addiction – where to find help

Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM)

Andy’s Man Club – talking groups for men
